Are you a copywriter? Improve your skills and learn more about SEO copywriting with these 10 tips.

It’s no secret that SEO and copywriting go hand-in-hand.

After all, SEO is all about getting found online, and copywriting is all about creating content that’s compelling and persuasive.

So, if you want to get your website ranking higher on search engine results pages, then you need to make sure your copy is up to scratch.

Here are 10 SEO copywriting tips to help you do just that:

1. Write for your audience first

This SEO copywriting tip is number one for a reason. It’s important to remember that you’re writing for people, not search engines.

That means your content needs to be interesting, informative, and useful if you want people to read it and share it.

Think about what your audience wants to know and then give it to them in an engaging and easy-to-read way.

2. Keep it short and sweet

People have short attention spans, so it’s important to keep your copy concise.

Get to the point quickly and use short sentences and paragraphs. Breaking up your text with headings and bullet points will also make it easier to read.

3. Use keyword-rich titles

Your title is one of the most important elements of your copy. It needs to be attention-grabbing and it needs to include your target keyword.

Think about what people might search for when they’re looking for information on your topic and use that as your starting point.

4. Use keywords throughout your copy

Including your target keyword in your title is a good start, but you also need to use it throughout your copy.

Use it in the first paragraph, in the body of your text, and in the last paragraph. But don’t overdo it – a couple of mentions should be enough.

5. Use synonyms

If you’re struggling to use your target keyword naturally, then try using a synonym.

This will help to vary your language and make your copy more interesting to read.

6. Structure your copy

The way you structure your copy can have a big impact on how easy it is to read.

As well as using headings and subheadings, you can also use white space, bullet points, and numbered lists to break up your text.

7. Write compelling meta descriptions

Your meta description is the short piece of text that appears under your title on search engine results pages.

It’s your chance to persuade people to click through to your website, so make sure it’s well written and includes your target keyword.

8. Optimize your images

Images can make your copy more engaging, but they can also help with your SEO.

Make sure you include relevant keywords in your image file names and alt text.

Linking to other websites can help to improve the quality of your copy. But it can also help with your SEO.

linking to high-quality websites, you’re showing search engines that your website is a reliable source of information.

10. Promote your content

Once you’ve written your copy and published it on your website, don’t just leave it there.

Promote your content on social media, in email newsletters, and in any other way you can think of. The more people who see it, the better.

SEO copywriting isn’t an exact science, but these tips should help you to write copy that’s both search engine and people-friendly.

Use GlideSEM

GlideSEM can help with SEO copywriting by recommending what and how many keywords to include in your blog posts. Our SEO content editor searches Google and uses advanced NLP to understand how to rank well for your target keyword.